Pelosi incites hatred for corporate free speech: Endorses Congressional plan to regulate it

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On Thursday April 19th, Nancy Pelosi “endorsed a movement announced by other congressional Democrats on Wednesday to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate political speech when it is engaged in by corporations as opposed to individuals

She said that with Citizens United, “the Supreme Court had unleashed a predator that was oozing slime into the political system, and that, indeed, is not an exaggeration.”

The constitutional amendment the Democrats seek would reverse the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In that decision the court said that the First Amendment protects a right of free speech for corporations as well as for individuals, and that corporations (including those that produce newspapers, films and books) have a right to speak about politicians and their records just as individuals do. — CNS News

I’m against any alterations to the first amendment. However, congress did pass hate speech legislation and that didn’t seem to alter Pelosi’s rhetoric intended to inflame…excuse me…activate their base. She allows “oozing slime” to escape the confines one side of her mouth while “Astroturf” leaks out the other side. Or is that the other end?

Likewise, the New Black Panther Party has not been convicted, tried, charged, arrested or even questioned over their blatant “kill the white devil” incitement to commit violence hate speech in the George Zimmerman case. I wonder…would the MSM have raised an eyebrow if the New Black Party had said “kill the gay white devil”? I’m guessing that would not fit their narrative, so no raised eyebrow for that one either.

Oh, no matter. The credo of the MSM is, “If it bleeds, it leads”. They might want to add, “And if it doesn’t bleed, incite it to.”

And that, in a nutshell, is why they keep us divided and at each others throats. If they don’t then we might just get along and then where would the politicians, media and the hate-baiters be without the easily manipulated and divided mobs.

Wealthy elite socialist iggits continue to cry about the poor

Cropped photo of Ann Curry

Cropped photo of Ann Curry (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In a supposed discussion of financial ethics with left-wing Harvard  professor Michael Sandel on Wednesday’s NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry  decried people being able to pay more money to get through airport  security faster: “…there’s an inherent unfairness to  it….it’s about those with money having an easier life than those who  don’t. And there’s something fundamentally unfair about that.”

Ann Curry gets paid the big bucks to put her…I don’t know…sense of guilt and shame on display for all to see how unfair it is for her and others — say, Michael Moore, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett et al — who rail against their good fortunes earned through their hard labors and ingenuity.

They’re right! It is unfair for us to have to listen to these urber wealthy socialist carp about how rich they are and how the poor ruin their utopian landscape.

I can just hear their outcry for the creation of their utopian level playing field, “Couldn’t the government do something about all of these poor people ruining my view of the world?”

“It is fundamentally unfair” for others to have more opportunities and privilege. “Until we have a level playing field” it will remain unfair. And they say these things with a straight face while they grow their bank accounts and make their investments. These are a very strange breed of socialist indeed.

They have identified the flaw in our Earthly existence and now someone needs to find a way to make the correction so that they can get back into their stretch limos, go to the airport and fly off in their private jet to Heavenly Mountain for a weekend of fresh powder skiing.

Problem solved!

My question to the universe is, “Why are you gifting these guilt ridden psychologically infirm iggits with so much of our wealth and influence?” If they are the punch line, what is the joke?