“Occupy” Forrest Gump!

Ah, PROTEST the “new” environmentally correct “repurpose, reduce, reuse” opiate of the masses.

Here are a few things that will help you to save money, time and the environment.

REPURPOSE your life. Don’t get a job! This will:

  • Save you time to protest
  • Save energy by camping out
  • Generate fewer greenhouse gases – less travel time creates fewer pollutants.

REDUCE environment encroachment by humans – use the streets you are sleeping in as a toilet. This will help to spread disease and decrease the world’s population.

REUSE old protest slogans and the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) power structure in a desperate last ditch attempt to bring Marxist rule to the U.S. and the world. Nice try comrades.

Keep on keeping on those opium dreams.

I had a NyQuil dream that you got everything you were asking for in your “Occupy” protests. Tribal societies were formed — just as you called for — but then you all died of starvation because nobody would shoot Bambi for dinner.