A Voter Without a Party Receives No Party Favors or Influence

I’m a registered voter in Arizona but I was not allowed to vote in last nights closed Republican primary. You may or may not being asking yourself, “Why the Hell not?”

Time to vote this two party system stranglehold on our country out!Although I’m a registered voter, I don’t belong to any political party. Therefore my opinion is not sought after by either the Republican or Democratic Party’s and my vote will not be counted in any general election cycle primary.

In the voter registration form I check the “Other” box and my County Recorders office informed me of my Non-Affiliated designation. I think of myself as an “Independent” voter so it was a bit upsetting when I learned that I was a “Non”.

As of February 22nd there were over 1 million “Other” “Non” voters in Arizona. That’s approximately 33% of the state’s current registered voters. These voters — independent from the destructive Republican and Democratic party’s — will be instrumental in the election of the next President of the United States of America. Our opinions will be solicited as will our votes. Without the “Independent” vote those candidates affiliated the two main party’s — doing all of the damage to our country — cannot be elected.

If only we could find a candidate from our “Other” “Non” Party.

Voters in Arizona and Michigan choose severely Progressive Romney

It has become painfully clear — with the results of last nights Arizona and Michigan primaries — that the electorate have chosen their political comfort zone and that safe place for them is Progressivism.

Yet another nanny state politician is in the process of gaining the approval of the American people at least those who are registered to vote or those who actually get out of their easy chairs and cast their ballots. The majority of those who voted in Tuesdays primaries and in the preceding primaries are raising their collective voices and their message is starting to roll downhill like a snowball gathering mass.

Is their message about our country’s crippling debt? No, it is not.  Is their message one of anti-Big Government? Sadly, no. Their message isn’t about the Federal Government’s over spending, employment, debt, money supply or regulation bubbles. Any of which could end our Republic as we know it even today.

The voters message of concern to the world isn’t about a fiscally responsible government, restoring or maintaining their Constitutional liberties, jobs or foreign entanglements. No, their primary concern is electability.

It is the focus of this concern which will guarantee the citizens of the United States of America its fifth Progressive President in a row. The first Progressive in this growing line of Progressive theorist Presidents was  former President George Hebert Walker Bush and Romney will be the fifth. Since Bush 41’s election the Progressive agenda has been Federal policy domestically and internationally.

NAFTA was introduced by G.H.W. Bush and former Bill Clinton and his Congress implemented it. Tax incentives for companies and corporations to move offshore (outsourcing) in an effort to level the world’s economic playing field were initiated under the G.H.W. Bush administration. The U.S. Middle East major theater of war was opened up under G.H.W. Bush.

All of those Bush 41 agendas have been supported and adopted by all of the administrations that have followed.

The election results of the past twenty-four years are telling a very painful story. Those who vote are comfortable with Big Government, ever-increasing Federal regulations, unsustainable Government spending and debt, dependence on foreign oil, unsecured borders, unfettered illegal immigration, unending foreign wars, U.S. jobs sent overseas and continued Government efforts to diminish Constitutional liberties else why would they continue to elect those who promote, maintain and perpetuate these agendas.

“I want a New Drug” Party Parody

 It’s early in my morning routine and after reading a few of the anti-Christie remarks on The Daily Caller site I started hearing a music parody — in my head–  of Huey Lewis and the News’s “I Want a New Drug” entitled “I want a New Party” performed by Weird Al Yankovic.

I want a new Party
One that won’t make me sick
One that won’t crash our economy
Or keep us in perpetual debt

I want a new Party
One that won’t take my rights
One that won’t tell me what to buy
Or make me a criminal with a legislative act overnight

One that won’t make me nervous
Wonderin’ what to do
One that works for me while it works for you
While it works for you

I want a new Party
One that’s not afraid to drill
One that won’t spend too much
Or hate oil just cause it smells

I want a new Party
One that won’t go away
One that won’t keep me up all night
Or make me sweat all day

One that won’t make me nervous
Wonderin’ what to do
One that works for me while it works for you
While it works for you

I want a new Party
One that does what it should
One that won’t make me feel too bad
Or make me feel too good

I want a new Party
One with no doubt
One that won’t make me protest too much
Or make a riot break out

One that won’t make me nervous
Wonderin’ what to do
One that works for me while it works for you
While it works for you