Romney attacks Solyndra investment

Solyndra? Why is Romney going after Solyndra? So the Federal Government put a bet down on a solar panel manufacture in hopes that you and I would drill holes in our roofs and attach solar panels to it.

Who can relate to a failed or a successful solar panel manufacturer?

What Romney should really be discussing — I feel like a Progressive trying to change the narrative here — is the wasted taxpayers’ investments in the electric car bidness. Now we are talking about something which is relatable to us all. Most of us have either been a passenger in a car or the driver. What if the car you own and the government has invested taxpayer money in is prone to spontaneous combust?

Solyndra offers less negative political leverage than does the electric car investments. For instance: Solyndra just offers up two negatives, bad or even stupid investments made by the government and cronyism. While the electric car investments offers up cronyism, insanely stupid judgment, outsourcing U.S. jobs overseas, the incredible and undeniable stark visuals of cars on fire and fear of riding in any electric car since these new green energy vehicles have ignited a controversy centering on the safety issues of the government funded class of green energy cars. The mileage to be had from the failed electric car is sustainable and seemly endless.

I live in the desert and I’m closer to sunset than sunrise. There are few, maybe three or four, options for final arrangements in the desert, but I believe the electric car has presented yet another option. Imagine if you will, upon the demise of your loved-one they are placed into the plush seat of a casket of steel riding on four wheels which is resting at the top of a hill. The engine of the Karma is started and its transmission is shifted into first gear, the brake is released and the casket rolls slowly down the hill. About half way down the hill the Karma bursts into flames. The car continues downhill consuming your loved-one’s body until it reaches the end of the road and proceeds over a cliff.

The desert Viking funeral. Order yours today at your local Fisker dealership.

When stumping for Obama remember to…

Robert De Niro at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festiv...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On May 6th 2012 Robert De Niro performed a guest appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press celebrity softball edition. Nothing to see or hear folks; just move along or should I say forward.

“Try to be – try to move forward and help the president, even though you’re from another party, the other party. Try to stop criticizing so much. Try to move it forward.” De Niro instructed.

Well, nice try Mr. De Niro. Next time you stump for the President please repeat Obama’s campaign slogan three times. If you have trouble remembering to do this you can always compress the threepeat slogan. Just follow Nancy Pelosi’s example of “Job, jobs, jobs.”

Now repeat, “Forward! Forward! Forward!” This should be covered in the soon to be released book, “Marketing and Campaigning for Idiots”. o-O

So, to recap, always remember to repeat Obama’s campaign slogan three times to embed your message in the minds of your customer base.

Remember, that’s repeat Obama’s campaign slogan three times!

The Supremes may strike down ObamaCare but it will remain constitutional in Obama Bizzaro World

President Obama has launched multiple political attacks in the media against the Supreme Court and their potential ruling throwing out ObamaCare in June. For the second time in the past 7 days his use of words has come into question. This time it is not his understanding or misuse of the words “subsidies” and “taxes”, but rather his understanding of the word “unprecedented”.

First let’s all familiarize ourselves with the definition of the word “unprecedented“: without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.

As Kyle Wingfield points out so deftly in his article, Obama’s unprecedented definition of ‘unprecedented’ Mr. Obama doesn’t understand the meaning of “unprecedented”, the history of Supreme Court rulings or what makes a law constitutional. If his lack of understanding extends to all of the above then we are all in deep doo-doo.

…the Supreme Court has been overturning laws — which necessarily have been passed by a majority of a democratically elected Congress — since 1803’s Marbury v. Madison decision. By this count citing the Government Printing Office, the court declared 158 acts of Congress unconstitutional between 1789 and 2002, which works out to one about every 16 months. Which strikes me as “precedented.”

Now, com’on, is this really the smartest guy in every room he’s in?

Perhaps — as he continually explains to the country and the world — it’s not his fault. One possible reason for it not being his fault would be his education. I know you’re going to say, “How could it be the fault of his education when he went to Columbia and Harvard?” What if he took U.S. Constitution 101 in Derrick Bell’s class? Since Professor Bell didn’t follow the curriculum for that class he taught at Stanford his students lacked the prerequisite knowledge to build a solid understanding of the U.S. Constitution. So if Bell continued to teach that class as he did at Stanford and Obama took that class from him that lack of a constitutional foundation explains why President Obama governs 180 degrees in its opposite direction.

However, that does not explain his inability to use words correctly.  I humbly suggest that he hire tutors to help him with his constitutional issues and his recent vocabulary problems.

In addition to Obama’s preemptive verbal ridicule of the “unelected” Supreme Court Justices he suggests to them publicly that they use “empathy” for those  adult “children” — an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one — who now have extended health care insurance on their parents policies and will not if ObamaCare is overturned.

I have empathy for my fellow citizens and for the hardships they have endured under the Obama administration, but I have none for the persons inflicting those hardships.

Mr. Obama is looking less presidential with each passing day and appears to have more in common with Homer Simpson — the animated glow-in-the-dark nuclear plant worker — than he does with the former presidents (Lincoln, FDR, JFK and recently Reagan) he likens himself to.

Life is good in Obama Bizzaro World where he is always right and is never wronwro…at fault.