Government Teacher calls Tea Party member a Nazi

Uploaded by  on Sep 21, 2011

At a gathering to discuss what to do about illegal alien students and the DREAM Act in San Antonio — a public school government teacher calls the local Tea Party President a Nazi. Video is courtesy of Eric Adam at — You can share it

Google search finds the following:
Jonathan Bryant
JFK High School
1922 S. Gen. McCullen
San Antonio, TX 78226
Tel. 210-444-8040
Fax 210-444-8020
A phone call confirms this is the school our “government teacher” works at.

FishyGov –

There’s an ever-growing problem in our government-run school  systems and here’s why we can’t fix the public school system:

1) You may think the core problem for the lackluster performance of our school children is due primarily to government and union interference and the indoctrination of those students into the Progressive group think.  Nay, nay… you would be wrong in that assumption.

2) You may think the core problem is the lack of alternative educational  choices. Nay, nay…you would be wrong again.

The core problem can be found in our Universities and Colleges. Progressive  ideology is disseminated there and it ripples throughout our  K-Post Grad school environments and Corporate America.

In order for a student to become a teacher [with a certificate] they must first run the gauntlet of the Teaching College nestled in a Progressive  University. It has been often reported that professors don’t look  favorably upon conservative students and their grades do suffer for it.

The desired end product for the Liberal teaching college is a  Liberal/Progressive teacher.

In Corporate American you cannot get a  professional position without a College Degree. Where do you get the  most prestigious degree? At Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford… Liberal/Progressive Universities all.

Our educational system is currently designed to produce liberal/progressive  students who will in turn teach other students K-Post Grads to worship at the Liberal/Progressive alter.

This cycle of indoctrination must be broken or their Progress/Liberal  pseudo religion will remain in perpetuity. 

Bachmann attacks Perry with unsubstantiated anecdote

Rep. Michele Bachmann launches a dud scud at Gov. Rick Perry after the September 12th CNN Republican Presidential Debate and shoots down  her misguided political missile. The following quote is from the FactCheck article.

After an extensive review, the FDA approved Gardasil in 2006 for use in females age 9 to 26. But since then, the FDA and CDC have kept tabs on any side effects reported for Gardasil — as it does with all vaccines –  through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Since coming on the market, Merck has distributed more than 35 million doses of the vaccine in the U.S. There have been no reports of anyone suffering mental retardation as a result of receiving the Gardasil vaccine.

The woman who approached Bachmann story is exactly where my spidy sense kicked in.

Brachmann attacks Perry for mandating Gadasil vaccine shots while he was Governor of Texas. Okay, perhaps she is a born again Christian Scientists or can’t accept that people die from pharmaceutical side effects every day.

The Bachmann attack of Perry continues and is validated when a woman comes up to her in tears and says her daughter suffered from retardation after receiving the Gadasil vaccine injection…?

Questions kept popping into my head:

“How many people were even at that debate?”

“What were the chances that an audience member had a negative experience with Gadasil, summoned up the courage to approach Bachmann and then made it passed Bachmann’s handlers?”

“Why would Bachmann then go on the Greta Van Susteren Show and repeat — on national television — what a stranger said to her without verification?”

The answer is simple. It fit her narrative so she didn’t want the facts getting in her way of bumping off Perry and moving up in the polls.

Is it possible that the stars all aligned and all of this actually happened as Bachmann said it did? Yeah, sure, okay…whatever.

AttackWatch watch

I first heard about the reincarnated website of Flag and Fight the Smears while visiting TheRightScoop last Wednesday  Sept. 14th 2011. After I read the news of Obama’s resurrected anti-smear, report your neighbor campaign a feeling of giddiness came over me.

Oh, not because the citizens would again be subjected to suspicion of stinkin’ thinkin’ when it came to our leader. No, that’s not why I was happy. The joy came from memories of what got me blogging in the first place… Flag and the fishy government.

My alter ego blogging nom de plume was inspired by Linda Douglass’s — overseer and spokesperson for — call to report fishy emails, blogs, sites or articles “smearing” President Obama.

But alas, it rotted from the head down…as all fish do.

And now we have the promising AttackWatch.

 Click on the icon to go to AttackWatch and see for yourself what hope the Obama campaign is offering to the voters. Or you could tweet them at @AttackWatch The following message is attacked to the AttackWatch Twitter link: “Check out the latest attacks on @BarackObama and his record at, and get the facts you need to fight back. #AttackWatch”

Report smears and smudges using this link:  #AttackWatch

They keep odd hours at AttackWatch. I’ve been reading their 9 tweets and have visited their website the last 4 days and no one seems to be there. Probably just a long weekend for the staff and couldn’t send a tweet from where they were. No cell signal I’ll bet.

I will keep checking in with they just to make sure they’re alright. All AttackWatch updates will be posted in this article.


Checked the AttackWatch tweets, nothing has been posted since 09/14/2011 and there has been no discernible activity on their website too. AttackWatch may be ill. I do hope that the Obama for America organization has health care.