Cain surging in national polls

A Public Policy Polling has Cain and Gingrich gaining momentum. When asked who they would vote for today the 484 polled said:

Momentum builds for the Cain campaign

Michele Bachmann 5%
Herman Cain 30%
Newt Gingrich 15%
Jon Huntsman 2%
Gary Johnson 0%
Ron Paul 5%
Rick Perry 14%
Mitt Romney 22%
Rick Santorum 1%



Poll conducted October 7-10 2011

And when they were asked who would be their second choice they answered:

  • Michele Bachmann 10%
  • Herman Cain 24%
  • Newt Gingrich 15%
  • Jon Huntsman 1%
  • Gary Johnson 0%
  • Ron Paul 5%
  • Rick Perry 10%
  • Mitt Romney 12%
  • Rick Santorum 3%

Those asked if Herman Cain is too liberal 6% said yes, too conservative 8% said yes, or about right 71% said yes and 15% were unsure.

The poll participants were asked if they were committed to vote for their candidate 33% said yes and 67% said they might end up supporting someone else.

When asked if they considered themselves a member of the Tea Party 32% said yes, 52% said no and 16% were unsure.

The age demographic of those polled was (18-29) 6%, (30-45) 24%, (46-65) 46% and those over 65 were 24%.


October 17, 2011:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Cain attracting 43% support, while Obama earns 41%. Given such a matchup, eight percent (8%) prefer some other candidate, and another eight percent (8%) are undecided.

What is your “no compromise” issue for the 2012 election?

Big Government

This Government is too Big!

For me, picking just one single “no compromise” issue is like picking one cute puppy out of a litter of cute puppies.

I would say my “no compromise” issue is to simply reduce and then limit the Federal Government’s reach into businesses and our private lives.

By applying this mission statement the conservative wish list would eventually be dealt with:

  • The elimination of the EPA, IRS, Dept of Education
  • The national debt reduced to acceptable levels
  • Lower Corporate and personal income taxes
  • A secure border by enforcing the law and not by building a fence
  • The elimination of federal employee unions.
  • We must also open up our natural resources to drilling and mining.
Big Government

Smaller Government but not small enough.

Our manufacturing base needs to stand on its own.

Having a self-sufficient manufacturing base will propel our country into a greener and more environmentally correct consumer nation. Just think of all of the diesel fuel we’ll save by not importing goods from China and how clean the air will be when China can shut down their excess coal burning electric plants.

Bachmann and Cain have both indicated that they would focus on

Big Government

This one's just right!

reducing the size of our government and the national debt. Cain is focused on the “Fair Tax” and abolishing the IRS. While Bachmann’s declared project is the repeal of ObamaCare. ObamaCare has to go or it will sink our country economically all by itself.

Both are good conservative candidates but I’m leaning heavily toward Cain.

In 2010 conservatives were not sent to Washington D.C. to compromise; they were sent there to undo the compromises of the past.

My votes will go to the candidates at all levels who state they will never compromise our local or national governments into economic suicide.

“Occupy” Forrest Gump!

Ah, PROTEST the “new” environmentally correct “repurpose, reduce, reuse” opiate of the masses.

Here are a few things that will help you to save money, time and the environment.

REPURPOSE your life. Don’t get a job! This will:

  • Save you time to protest
  • Save energy by camping out
  • Generate fewer greenhouse gases – less travel time creates fewer pollutants.

REDUCE environment encroachment by humans – use the streets you are sleeping in as a toilet. This will help to spread disease and decrease the world’s population.

REUSE old protest slogans and the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) power structure in a desperate last ditch attempt to bring Marxist rule to the U.S. and the world. Nice try comrades.

Keep on keeping on those opium dreams.

I had a NyQuil dream that you got everything you were asking for in your “Occupy” protests. Tribal societies were formed — just as you called for — but then you all died of starvation because nobody would shoot Bambi for dinner.