It’s time to invoke Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment

 Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

Okay, so I’m not a Republican but the candidate I will be voting for is. Someone replied to a comment I wrote on which simply said, “ABO” (anyone but Obama). I replied back with the following:

No more anyone’s Butts please. I want people in all elected offices who swear an oath to the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the land to know what they are swearing to and act upon the oath taken.

I’m looking for candidates who have completed and passed their U.S. Constitution and Civics 101 government service prerequisite course work.

Everyone’s butts aside, I will be voting for Romney and no I will not be scrubbing all of the mean things I said about him on my blog nor will I remove my hundreds of comments online questioning whether he is or isn’t a CRINO.

I wanted Newt but I can’t have him; so I’ll back Romney and hope I was wrong about him…horribly wrong. When I look back at my scribblings in 3-4 years — to see just how wrong I was — my face will be adorned with a huge smile while this thought pops in my head; “Dude, we [royal we] are sooo happy your were completely wrong about Romney and his Care.”

Alright, just go with me here for a moment. I’m trying to construct a new political and personal paradigm before November 6, 2012. If it doesn’t work out for me or you then we’ll still have December 21, 2012 to fall back on or off.

Now let’s get back to this reality.

It is time for Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum to fold up their tents and call it a day.

Independents, Conservatives, Republicans, CINOs (Conservatives in name only), CRINOs (Conservative Republicans in name only) and RINOs (Republicans in name only) all need to rally behind Mitt Romney now if they are serious about ousting Barrack Obama from office.

The time has come to end the primary process. The tasks at hand are picking a Vice Presidential candidate, start building the Romney Administration staff and the recruitment of department heads.

There are also Executive Orders to write and departments to eliminate. Time and timing are all important in any campaign. Let us not waste time or miss opportunities by being bogged down in a phase of the process which has already been decided.

We have completed the initial interview process and now it is time for the Republican Party to put its candidate through the final interview process before we the people make the decision to hire Mitt — who’s a proven profit-making executive — or retain our country’s current fiscally challenged executive who keeps betting the people’s monies on failed future technologies.

If I was a venture capitalist — and apparently we all are at this point — I would invest in a proven company with proven technologies administered by a proven management team.

Is the 2012 Obama campaign going to be about race again?

Actor Robert De Niro hosted a fundraiser for President Obamawith first lady Michelle Obama on March 19, 2012 in New York, and he kicked off his remarks with this quip: “Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?”

According to the pool report, the crowd roared and someone yelled “no!” as De Niro asked, “Too soon, right?” — Christian Science Monitor

Mr. De Niro released the following apology statement two days later:

“My remarks, although spoken with satirical jest, were not meant to offend or embarrass anyone – especially the first lady,” De Niro said in a statement.

But the apology couldn’t unring that bell and the First Lady issued the following statement of disapproval:

‘We believe the joke was inappropriate,’ said the first lady’s campaign press secretary Olivia Alair after Mr Gingrich’s comments triggered a tide of online argument about the joke.

Can Mitt only be defeated by God?

I’m pretty sure God has little or no interest in either Republican or Democratic Party politics and probably has even less interest in their candidates for the presidency of the United States of America.

From The National Review:

Mitt Romney’s campaign gathered the national press corps in their campaign war room this morning to deliver a simple message: It would take an “act of God” for any candidate not named Mitt Romney to win the Republican nomination.

From ABC This Week:

Sen. Lindsey Graham said today on “This Week” that the race for the GOP presidential nomination is Mitt “Romney’s to lose.”

“I wouldn’t trade places with Mitt if I were in the race,” the Republican senator from South Carolina said. ”He has almost a third of the delegates he needs.  Mathematically, Rick would have to win 75 percent of what remains. He’s done an outstanding job, Rick has, of starting with almost nothing and being a real contender, and Newt’s come back from the dead two or three times.  But mathematically, this thing is about over, but emotionally it’s not.”

Graham declined to say whether the other Republican candidates running for president should end their bids, even as he argued that Romney will inevitably capture the nomination.

“I think everybody believes, if I could just get a one-on-one with Romney, I could win this thing. But if Romney does well, wins either Mississippi or Alabama and wins Illinois, then I think it’s virtually impossible for this thing to continue much beyond early May,” Graham said. ” But there’s a ways to go yet.  It’s Romney’s to lose.  And, quite frankly, every time he had his back against the wall, he’s performed.  And I like his chances, but the other two candidates have got to make that decision themselves.”

With the GOP Presidential Primary mathematically over I am now torn between the incumbent Obama and the new Progressive on the block Romney.

If given another five years to circumnavigate the legislative branch Obama could permanently ruin our country or change it into something unconstitutional and utterly unrecognizable from its original form. I can see no reason for risking a fundamental catastrophic governmental change except for the following:

A Progressive Romney presidency will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Republican and Democratic presidents have no interest nor desire to uphold their sworn oath of office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.