Can Mitt only be defeated by God?

I’m pretty sure God has little or no interest in either Republican or Democratic Party politics and probably has even less interest in their candidates for the presidency of the United States of America.

From The National Review:

Mitt Romney’s campaign gathered the national press corps in their campaign war room this morning to deliver a simple message: It would take an “act of God” for any candidate not named Mitt Romney to win the Republican nomination.

From ABC This Week:

Sen. Lindsey Graham said today on “This Week” that the race for the GOP presidential nomination is Mitt “Romney’s to lose.”

“I wouldn’t trade places with Mitt if I were in the race,” the Republican senator from South Carolina said. ”He has almost a third of the delegates he needs.  Mathematically, Rick would have to win 75 percent of what remains. He’s done an outstanding job, Rick has, of starting with almost nothing and being a real contender, and Newt’s come back from the dead two or three times.  But mathematically, this thing is about over, but emotionally it’s not.”

Graham declined to say whether the other Republican candidates running for president should end their bids, even as he argued that Romney will inevitably capture the nomination.

“I think everybody believes, if I could just get a one-on-one with Romney, I could win this thing. But if Romney does well, wins either Mississippi or Alabama and wins Illinois, then I think it’s virtually impossible for this thing to continue much beyond early May,” Graham said. ” But there’s a ways to go yet.  It’s Romney’s to lose.  And, quite frankly, every time he had his back against the wall, he’s performed.  And I like his chances, but the other two candidates have got to make that decision themselves.”

With the GOP Presidential Primary mathematically over I am now torn between the incumbent Obama and the new Progressive on the block Romney.

If given another five years to circumnavigate the legislative branch Obama could permanently ruin our country or change it into something unconstitutional and utterly unrecognizable from its original form. I can see no reason for risking a fundamental catastrophic governmental change except for the following:

A Progressive Romney presidency will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Republican and Democratic presidents have no interest nor desire to uphold their sworn oath of office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Newt needs a shorter victory speech

English: Newt Gingrich at a political conferen...

I watched Newt’s victory speech live. He took us on one of the flattest roller coaster rides I’ve ever been on.

Next time just thank those who helped you Newt, followed by what you will fix in DC. Then mercifully end your victory lap with the guaranteed crescendo, “On to Florida!” Or whatever primary is next.

Fox political analyst Pat Caddell said that Newt’s speech was 10 minutes too long. I think it was more like 12-15 minutes too long.

Newt needs to learn how to build emotional momentum and how not to suck the emotional excitement out of his political balloon.